Many diabetics have heard the saying, "One of the general principles of the diabetic diet is to be lean rather than thin and to be tough not soft." Therefore, diabetics should try not to drink porridge. But since ancient times, people have seen food as heaven, and food is the basis of human survival. If you don't drink porridge, you should eat staple foods like steamed buns, bread, and rice. If you don't drink porridge, one of our recommended eating patterns is steamed bread or whole wheat bread with milk or soy milk.
Some sugar lovers, because they are not used to drinking milk, choose on their own initiative to drink water, thinking that drinking water does not raise blood sugar, which does not is not the case. A sweet friend I know ate steamed buns and vegetables for dinner. Since his porridge was not allowed, he did it cooperatively, but the food was too dry, so he drank some water and saw that his blood sugar had risen significantly after dinner, even though it was very dry. He also fell rapidly, but the blood sugar fluctuates a lot and is not stable.
Seeing this situation, we suggested that he replace the water with milk. The same steamed buns and vegetables came with milk. After dinner, his blood sugar level improved a lot and his blood sugar fluctuations decreased significantly.
Water has no calories, why does it raise your blood sugar? This is because the bread steamed with water accelerates the absorption of starch by the human body in the steamed bread, which leads to a rapid increase in blood sugar after a meal, but the bread steamed with milk delays the absorption of starch from steamed bread into the body, so the blood sugar level after a meal is slow. and it falls slowly. Therefore, diabetics should pay attention to water intake after a meal.