How To Eat Properly For Asthma Patients

How To Eat Properly For Asthma Patients

People with asthma should pay attention to the following areas in their diet:

1. There are many important food rotations

Most allergens are protein-based foods such as eggs, dairy, meat and seafood, and some people are also allergic to wheat protein. However, protein is one of the most important nutrients in the human body. Fish, poultry, eggs, dairy, lean meat and soy are the most common sources of protein. Excessive restriction can lead to protein malnutrition, immunosuppression, and inadequate prevention and treatment of asthma. . . . . Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right products for you based on your patient’s history of allergy or allergy testing, avoiding foods that may cause asthma, and choosing alternatives allergy and those with similar nutrients. . . . .

2. Use low fat and avoid raw foods

Patients with asthma have severe dyspnea and affect not only the respiratory system but also the digestive tract. Simple food is best, easy to eat and easy to digest. It is suitable for boiling, steaming, sautéing and other cooking methods in perfectly boiling water. Avoid spices like chilies, peas, mustard, etc., and reduce the intake of salt, sugar and oil. You can choose vegetable oils rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as flaxseed oil and perilla-seed oil. It reduces inflammation in the body. Avoid fermented and cold foods such as sashimi, cold drinks, ice cream, etc., and avoid alcohol. Chew gently during meals to avoid becoming too full, so as not to increase pressure on the stomach and impede breathing.

3. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits

Everyday colds and other respiratory illnesses can cause asthma. A balanced diet can help restore lung health and reduce the risk of respiratory illnesses. To promote healthy immunity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, as well as energy and protein intake, you should choose foods rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene, anthocyanin, lycopene and other antioxidants . . . . It usually contains dark plant foods, such as dark greens and lots of fresh fruits like broccoli, red cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, green and leafy vegetables, etc., to counteract the effects of free oxygen on tissues, especially respiratory moisture. in membranes. . . . . waste. In addition, magnesium, rich in green vegetables, also soothes the loose muscles of the lungs. Additionally, mushrooms such as shiitake mushrooms, shrimp, etc. contain flaxseeds, which can increase the immune system.

An example of a daily recipe

Breakfast: cup red rice oats (25 g brown rice, 25 g oats), fried chicken (50 g chicken breast), 1 cup soy milk (200 ml), 1 tomato (about 150 g);

Breakfast: 100 grams of sweet milk

Lunch: 1 cup of rice (50 g sorghum, 50 g rice), roasted canola with mushrooms ( 50 g mushrooms, 200 g canola), roast beef with potatoes ( 100 g potatoes, 100 g beef);

Afternoon tea: 100 grams of blueberries

Dinner: 1 piece corn tortilla (50 g cornmeal, 50 g flour), grilled tofu with cabbage (150 g cabbage, 100 g northern tofu), grilled bread with chicken (100 g broccoli, 50 g) . pig)

30 grams of fat per day
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