In recent years, with the rise of reducing sugar intake, artificial sweeteners have become a favorite of many people due to their lower sugar content and lower calorie content. However, a large peer-reviewed study in France found that artificial sweeteners may not be a healthy substitute for sugar because they consume large amounts of artificial sweeteners (especially aspartame). and acesulfame potassium (commonly known as acesulfame)). increased risk of cancer, especially breast cancer and cancer related to obesity.

To assess the carcinogenic effects of artificial sweeteners, researchers analyzed data from 102,865 French adults participating in a large French nutritional health study with an average age of 42 years. ,2 ± 14.5 years old and 78.5% female.
The researchers collected information about the participants' sex, age, education level as well as medical history, diet, lifestyle and health data, weight gain, diabetes, a family history of cancer and a 24-hour diet. Data on artificial sweetener consumption to assess participants' energy intake, alcohol, sodium, saturated fatty acids, fiber, sugar, whole grains, and dairy products. The researchers then conducted follow-up visits every six months, during which time they collected the participants' cancer diagnoses.
The study found that 36.9% of participants consumed an artificial sweetener, mainly aspartame, accounting for 58% of their intake, followed by acesulfame potassium (29%) and sucralose (10%). Three sweeteners were consumed 28%, 34% and 14%, respectively.
The study also found that the participants used artificial sweeteners mainly from sugar-free soft drinks or sugar substitutes, table foods such as sugary pastries, cakes, pastries, breakfast cereals, sauces, savory foods and ultra-fast fish products. Yogurt or cheese. These make up 53%, 29% and 8% of artificial sweeteners, respectively.
During the follow-up period, 3358 new cancers were diagnosed (982 breast cancers, 403 prostate cancers, and 2023 obesity-related tumors (eg, colon, stomach, liver) , mouth, pharynx, esophagus, esophagus and other tumors) The mean age at diagnosis was 59.5 ± 12.2 years.
Overall, consumption of artificial sweeteners is positively correlated with overall cancer risk. In particular, the study found that participants taking large amounts of aspartame and acesulfame potassium had an increased risk of cancer as well as breast cancer and obesity-related cancers.
Despite the study's limitations, the researchers say it doesn't support the use of artificial sweeteners in foods or beverages as a safe substitute for sugar.