The concept of coffee capsules was born in 1976, exclusively for capsule coffee machines. Nestlé launched the world's first Nespresso capsule product under the leadership of Eric Favre. As a coffee lover, Eric Faur has visited several Italian businesses and tasted thousands of different espresso shots. In a coffee shop in Rome, Santa Claus is looking for different ways to create expressions for the studio. When working on an espresso machine, I often turn the knob because I think the engine is faulty, so a lot of compressed gas goes into the glass, which is why people are so excited to see a box of coffee they see today. . In 1986, Nestlé officially established the Capsule Capsule Division, and Nespresso SA was officially established, with founder/founder Eric Favre as CEO. In 1989, Eric Favre left Nestle to start his own independent capsule coffee company, Mondo, imitating his lifelong efforts in coffee technology. In 2000, it partnered with LAVAZZA to promote its coffee and capsule product technology.

When they make the capsules, the beans are made entirely from ground coffee, which is then sealed with aluminum foil in a "jelly" form. At the same time, the inactive non-toxic gas chamber is re-sterilized to prolong its service life. If you need to brew coffee, put the coffee box on the dedicated coffee machine and press the brew button, no other action is required.