Under the term "vegetable protein plant milk" (T / HBFIA 0024-2021), plant milk (plant milk) may contain plants and / or products that contain certain proteins such as basic raw materials, food accessories and foods. Dietary supplements, processed products. As the main raw material in the market, the main raw materials are vegetable nuts, onions, seeds, etc. uses and cloudy dairy products, soaking, crushing, processing, mixing, homogenizing, sterilizing and other processes. Like milk, it is also called "plant milk". But plant-based milk is not a traditional milk drink, but a plant-based protein drink. Overall, plant-based milk can be divided into four categories: soy milk, nut milk, cereal milk and plant and fruit milk.
Milk was first developed to solve nutritional problems in people with lactose intolerance, later protected by vegetarianism, and now the production is being evaluated by environmentalists who believe that its consumption consumes much less energy than milk. From a nutritional point of view, although plant-based milk contains protein, high-quality fat, dietary fiber and some secondary plant metabolites, its protein is lower than milk milk and contains essential amino acids that are incomplete (with the exception of soybeans), such as D and c. the composition of the ingredients is lower than that of milk. Therefore, it is difficult to completely replace cow's milk despite the fact that plant-based milk has a nutritional value.
Experts say that people who are unfit for milk consumption, such as those with lactose intolerance and milk protein allergy, are advised to choose nutrient-rich fortified plant-based milk and get enough nutrients from other foods when choosing plant-based milk.
The nutritional content and types of different plant milk are different, different varieties of products are suitable for different groups of people, and different brands of the same product are also different in nutritional value. Consumers should opt for soy milk if they want a milk-like protein that has a high protein content and a full range of amino acids; almond milk would be a good choice if consumers wanted a low-calorie choice; If consumers are concerned about fat intake, avoid coconut milk and choose low-fat dairy products.
Most dairy products add calcium and vitamins to improve nutrition, as well as white sugar or fructose syrup as spices. which can be checked by indicating the ingredients or the nutritional reference price (NVR%). Therefore, experts advise consumers to carefully check the ingredient list and the nutritional value of the product when buying product-based milk.