World's Hottest Spicy Noodles

World's Hottest Spicy Noodles

Harvester Angry Thiao is probably the hottest food in the world. You can see the burning as you look at the Harvester angry Tiao package. The whole box is not only bright red, but also white. , and the initials, "Death to the angry Thao," are like going to the doctor after eating! Even Sichuan people can't stand chewing gum, and some people even feel abdominal pain after a long day of eating, which can be called a "performer." a great player in "delicious food". Don't try to be serious about it!
How spicy is the Reaper spicy strip? It is said that this spicy strip uses the hottest pepper and the most numb pepper in the world. You must know that the hottest pepper in the world-Carolina Reaper is as hot as ordinary peppers. 200 times, so the only feeling of eating this spicy stick is stomach pain. Although there is only one piece in each box, no one can stand this small piece of spicy stick. Even Some people went to wash their stomachs immediately after eating, and the merchants also said that they knew that consumers could not eat one at a time, but one can imagine how spicy it is!
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