1.Capping: Capping is a common problem that occurs during tablet compression. It happens when the top or bottom of the tablet separates from the main body, resulting in a thin cap-like structure. Capping can be caused by several factors such as excessive turret speed, improper compression force, or incorrect formulation. To prevent capping, it is essential to ensure that the formulation is correct, and the compression force and turret speed are properly adjusted.
2.Sticking: Sticking occurs when the tablet material adheres to the die walls or punches, resulting in the tablet sticking to the die or punch. It is a common issue that can be caused by several factors such as excessive tablet moisture, inadequate lubrication, or incorrect tablet hardness. To prevent sticking, it is important to ensure that the tablet material is properly lubricated, the moisture content is within the recommended range, and the tablet hardness is appropriate.
3.Weight variation: Weight variation is a common problem that can result in tablets that are either underweight or overweight. It can be caused by several factors such as inconsistent fill weight, inconsistent die fill, or improper compression force. To prevent weight variation, it is essential to ensure that the fill weight is consistent, the die fill is uniform, and the compression force is properly adjusted.
4.Tablet chipping: Tablet chipping occurs when the tablet edges become rough or chip off, resulting in a tablet that is unsightly and difficult to handle. It can be caused by several factors such as improper tablet design, improper compression force, or improper formulation. To prevent tablet chipping, it is important to ensure that the tablet design is appropriate, the compression force is properly adjusted, and the formulation is correct.
5.Tablet hardness variation: Tablet hardness variation is a common problem that can result in tablets that are either too hard or too soft. It can be caused by several factors such as inconsistent die fill, improper compression force, or improper formulation. To prevent tablet hardness variation, it is important to ensure that the die fill is uniform, the compression force is properly adjusted, and the formulation is correct.
In conclusion, tablet presses are essential machines in the pharmaceutical industry, but they can experience some common issues that affect their performance. To prevent these issues, it is important to ensure that the formulation is correct, the compression force and turret speed are properly adjusted, the tablet material is properly lubricated, the moisture content is within the recommended range, the tablet design is appropriate, and the die fill is uniform.